
Prácticas de redacción, grupo A2.

domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015



      Currently, the educational system is declining more and more. Teachers have to give a good education and they have to make that students enjoy that they are studying and also, student should be interested about the subject or the lesson. We live in a world where we are ingenuous, because we believe that we are learning new things, but people only memorize things and then, these things are forgiven. The educational system should improve a lot of aspects if we want to be educated persons and have a good future.
       Chomsky tells that there are two types of education: the traditional, which is based on investigating, creating and finding important facts of the past.  Its purpose is obtaining something new and interesting. In adittion, the traditional education want to create persons that they learn with their own forms. The other kind is the indoctrination. It want to find more control of the education. This method makes that teenagers are conformists.
       The technology in the education also is important, because it has introduced an enormous change in society. Chomsky tells technology is neutral, due to the Internet is useful if we know that we are finding. We have to find the important thing and we should have a previous idea before find something. Chomsky relates the progress is worse today than past times.
       The cost or investment of the technology also is relevant. The government should invest more in education, due to it is very important and increases the society capital. The assestment is relevant. Teachers evaluate students for his marks and it is not correct, because doing and exam only decides if the student has studied and memorized, but not his capacity. Exams would be useful if students learnt. 

      Education should be how Chomsky tells, so it would be more useful, because students would investigate, find and the most important: learn. We need fewer people formed teoretically and more teachers with clear ideas that make children have interest about they are studying, due to the life consists in learning and enjoying that we learn.

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